Friday, June 17, 2011

Japan - Day 4 - Shibuya and Ramen

Just got back from a short-ish day out.  Richard has been waking up at 5am or 6am.  We can't figure out if it's from jet lag or the heavy traffic outside our window.  I have been waking up with Richard but going back to sleep when he leaves the apartment for his morning walk.  Ezra has been sleeping in to between 10am and noon everyday.  It's working for now, but we're going to have to sync our schedules in the near future.

Today Richard woke up at 8am, I woke up at 9am, and Ezra woke up at 10:30 or 11am.  We took a long morning and caught up on some logistics and emails.

Then we headed out a little after noon to eat at Ezra's favorite ramen place.

Waiting for food...

Spicy miso broth and pork.  You're supposed to slurp the noodles up as quickly as possible.  It helps cool everything down before it reaches your mouth.  We meant to get a picture of us with noodles hanging out of our mouths but we were all too busy eating.  Everything we've had here so far has been delicious!

Richard always eats everything he's given.

After ramen we went to Shibuya.  This is shopping a big shopping/commercial district.  Shibuya is where the Japanese equivalent of Times Square is situated.  We're gonna go back to the famous intersection on Monday to shoot some video.

Everything is built up in Tokyo.  This is from the outdoor staircase of the sixth floor of a guitar shop in Shibuya.

Ezra on the fifth floor.

I asked Ezra what these funky little cars were.  He had no idea...

 Found some tire marks left by someone doing donuts in the middle of one of the busy intersections.  Wish I got to see the car doing it!  Heading out for drinks at "the Hub" now.  Japanese people drink a lot... or maybe it's just Ezra's university friends here.

- Jack

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